November Students-of-the-Month, photo (Right to Left):
- 9th Grade Student-of-the-Month:
- Lesly Ascencio for her great leadership skills in PE!
- 10th Grade Students-of-the-Month: [2 winners]
- Xander Reyes Castellanos for the top mile time in all of his teacher’s classes!
- Carmen Saucedo for working incredibly hard to understand, perfect her work and do her very best.
- 11th Grade Student-of-the-Month:
- Rikyla Alcantara for working really hard, asking great questions, engaging with her group, and being dedicated to learning and biology.
- 12th Grade Student-of-the-Month:
- Riley Yuan Clerigo is remarkable and skilled, consistently encourages and uplifts others, assists and celebrates his classmates.