Academic Departments » Special Studies » Special Studies Courses

Special Studies Courses

Grade Level: 9
G - College Preparatory Elective
The students taking this required course will gain a firm understanding of a variety of health topics pertaining to good overall student health and well-being, as well as learn health related terminology and functions of body systems. Topics include behavioral health, safety and violence, nutrition/exercise/weight management, disease, drugs, and family life.
Introduction to Leadership
Grade Level 9-12
G - College Preparatory Elective
This class will focus on the development and use of public speaking, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, project-based learning and being reflective to grow as an individual and leader. Students will expand and improve their public speaking skills by presenting 6 speeches during the course, 2 impromptu, 2 expository, and 2 persuasive. Students will learn how to internalize the 7 Habits and work to develop the "private victory" and the "public victory". Students will learn how to develop, write and carry out a school-wide project while working with their peers to be successful. Students will learn how to think reflectively and how to facilitate a debrief with the class using a variety of tools.
Grade Level 9-12
G - College Preparatory Elective
Apply leadership skills to practical settings, group interaction and committee work. This class is designed to teach leadership skills and governmental structure which ultimately enhances school pride, spirit, and culture as well as the student’s individual knowledge of a working government. The class will focus on standards designed by the California Association of Directors of Activities and Common Core State Standards, including public speaking, written communication, service learning, presentation skills, community service, governmental hierarchy, procedures and elections, personal and social development, goal setting, group dynamics, business marketing, finance accounting, advertising, business law and research while positively impacting the entire student body. This is a required course for all elected associated student body officers, appointed council associates and all elected class officers. This leadership course will require students to attend mandatory events before the start of the school year, after school and on weekends. Prior approval of the Activities Director is required.
Study Skills
Grade 9-12
This course is designed to support and 9th-12th grade resource students with IEPs (priority scheduling is given to 9th and 10th graders). Students will be provided with tools and coached to advocate for themselves regarding their comprehensive educational plan. Students will receive academic support for their general education classes and learn to monitor their own student progress. Students will become active participants in their transition/college/trade school/ career goals. Students will integrate 21 century skills (communication, collaboration, critical thinking, creativity) across their coursework (http:// Students will learn health and wellness strategies to take care of themselves and plan for their future. Placement by Case Manager Approval only
Sports Medicine
Grade Level 11-12
D - Science
Students will explore the structure and function of the human body through the view of sports. Students will learn how the body adapts to the demands of a given sport. This knowledge will serve as a basis for understanding physiological response to injury and improving individual performance. Students will apply hands on skills learned in class to the field experience. College credit is available for qualifying students through articulation with the community college. (D Lab Science)
IWE/Office Assistant
Grade Level 11-12
Students assist teachers or office staff. Grading is done on a Pass/Fail basis only.
Peer Tutor
Grade Level 11-12
Students will work with teachers to provide in-class tutoring. Help is especially needed in Math, World Languages, Science, and English classes.