Corry Dodson » Posts


1st Period Rotating Meeting starts tomorrow 8/26 10am

Surprise! We are having a class meeting tomorrow that I JUST found out about!
I thought we were starting the rotating Wednesday classes next week, but apparently we are starting them this week.
I'm sorry I didn't announce this in class on Monday, I just did not know it was happening.
The way the schedule was set for the year, every Wednesday you will have one class and the periods will rotate. We are starting with first period tomorrow.
The time allotted for the class is 10am to 11:30am. However we will only meet from 10am to 10:30am. Please make sure you attend though as this is a regular class period, not optional or an office hour.
I'm sorry for the last minute notice! As I said, I just learned myself that we are supposed to have a first period class meeting tomorrow.
As this meeting is out of sync with our normal, recurring Zoom meeting schedule, there is NEW Zoom link attached below FOR THIS MEETING ONLY.
Remember how in the introductory slideshow I talked about us needing to be patient? I guess this is our chance to practice!
See you tomorrow!
Ms. Dodson
Ms. Dodson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: 1st period rotating class meeting: Weds., 8/26
Time: Aug 26, 2020 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 915 1519 9388

Passcode: &D@PC5Pd52

English 11: 6th period announcement

Greetings 6th period!
I'm looking forward to meeting you next week!
Our first class meeting will be on Tuesday, 8/25 from  11:30am to 12:30pm. 
A Zoom link to our first class will be posted in our Google Classroom prior to the meeting time. 
Here is an invitation to join our Google Classroom:
If for some reason the link above does not work, the code to join is: cjq6fix
Ms. Dodson

English 11: 5th period announcement

Greetings 5th period!
I'm looking forward to meeting you next week!
Our first class meeting will be on Monday, 8/24 from 11:30am to 12:30pm. 
A Zoom link to our first class will be posted in our Google Classroom prior to the meeting time. 
Here is an invitation to join our Google Classroom:
If for some reason the link above does not work, the code to join is:  xgcja4p
Ms. Dodson

English 11: 3rd period announcement

Greetings 3rd period!
I'm looking forward to meeting you next week!
Our first class meeting will be on Monday, 8/24 from 10:15 to 11:15am. 
A Zoom link to our first class will be posted in our Google Classroom prior to the meeting time. 
Here is an invitation to join our Google Classroom:
If for some reason the link above does not work, the code to join is: hheutql
Ms. Dodson

English 11: 2nd period announcement

Greetings 2nd period!
I'm looking forward to meeting you next week!
Our first class meeting will be on Tuesday, 8/25 from 9-10am. 
A Zoom link to our first class will be posted in our Google Classroom prior to the meeting time. 
Here is an invitation to join our Google Classroom. 
If for some reason the link above does not work, the code to join is: edkmoel
Ms. Dodson

CSU ERWC 1st period meeting 8.20.20 8:30am

Greetings 1st period seniors!
My name is Ms. Dodson and I'm looking forward to seeing all of you tomorrow!
Please join our Google classroom:
If the link above doesn't work for some reason, the code to join is: 6pal6wr
 Zoom link to our first meeting on Thursday 8/20 at 8:30am:
Meeting ID: 937 8035 1991
Passcode: ?S%?t4p!U*
See you tomorrow! 
Ms. Dodson