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Research Help

Finding Good Sources
Most things you do in life and school will involve research. Good research will help you in decision-making, understanding a topic, and deepening your knowledge of self and the world. The key to good research is finding good sources.
How do you find a good source? Take the CRAAP test.
C - Currency        How old is it? Has it been updated? 
R - Relevance      Does it answer your question? Does it seem credible?
A - Authority        Who is the author? Are they qualified?
A - Accuracy        Where does the information come from? Why do you trust it?
P - Purpose          What is the intention: to inform, sell, persuade, teach? Is it fact or opinion?
Watch this short video on Evaluating Sources.
Better Than Google! 
Start your research with these 15 search engines to find good sources. These search engines are better than Google for your research purposes and will save you time! Click on the link below.
All research starts with a good question. See this article on "How to Write a Research Question".